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Dear Editor,
As the elections roll around, responsible citizens do their best to sift through all the news outlets for unbiased information about each candidate. Fortunately, I have had the opportunity to work with, and observe one of our county’s most prominent political figures – Steve Dillinger, the president of our county board of commissioners. As a contribution to the election process, I’ll share my experience with you.
I had the opportunity to interact with Mr. Dillinger numerous times while I directed the Trinity Free Clinic for a period of five years. I found him to be honest and transparent. He shares his opinion openly, whether it is popular or not. There is no guessing at what he is thinking, and no unspoken agenda or ulterior motives. This is refreshing in a politician.
In his dealings with county residents, I found Mr. Dillinger to be very respectful. He is even polite to his political opponents and is not a fan of mudslinging, which is all too common.
Mr. Dillinger is a community connector. Because of his vast network, he often makes connections between organizations in the county that are mutually beneficial. For example, he recognized the value of connecting the Trinity Free Clinic, which provides free medical and dental care to uninsured and low-income workers in the county, to Riverview Health, the county hospital. His direct involvement resulted in the appointment of the Chief Nursing Officer to the Board of the Trinity Free Clinic. Both organizations now work together to keep the uninsured and working poor healthy, while avoiding expensive and non-recoverable emergency room bills.
Year after year Mr. Dillinger reported the results of the efforts of the county commissioners, including himself, Mark Heirbrandt, and Christine Altman, to the county residents during the annual state-of-the county address. From these reports it is evident that he has the ability to think strategically about the growth and improvement of the county, while working through many competing needs.
Finally, I believe that Mr. Dillinger does not need any of the benefits of being a county commissioner. He certainly does not need any of the headaches which are part of the job. We are fortunate, however, that he chooses to serve us purely out of a desire to make our community a better place to live.
Dina Ferchmin