Hamilton County Deputy Kevin Crask was presented with a Sheriff’s Commendation award on March 6. The award may be given to a member of the Sheriff’s Office who – in the normal course of their duties – goes above and beyond the scope of those duties, in the act or series of acts that significantly benefits the citizens of Hamilton County or the Sheriff’s Office.

Deputy Kevin Crask (left) received the award from Sheriff Dennis Quakenbush. (Photo provided)
Additionally, the act(s) creates a substantial benefit to the public safety of the community, significantly impacts the level of customer service to the community or demonstrates an exceptional sustained level of performance, going above and beyond the normal demands of their duties.
According to the Sheriff’s Department, Deputy Crask has demonstrated exceptional sustained performance over the last several years which has significantly impacted the citizens of Hamilton County.
For the last five years Crask has made over 100 “operating while intoxicated” arrests each year. Crask’s actions have significantly impacted the safety of the community. The true effect in lives saved, crashes avoided, others motivated, costs avoided, and lives turned around due to his proactive enforcement will never be fully known.