Department of Corrections offering free phone, video calls

Beginning March 18, to lessen strain on offenders and their loved ones as a result the COVID-19 virus, Indiana Department of Correction (IDOC) officials worked with the telephone and video service provider to permit each eligible offender the opportunity for two five-minute phone calls, as well as one video visit of either 10 or 25 minutes each week for free. This agreement runs through April 14.

“We recognize the importance of in-person visits by friends and family, but we cannot afford the risk this poses to potentially introduce the COVID-19 virus into our facilities,” said Commissioner Rob Carter.

As announced last Wednesday, visitation remains suspended at all Indiana Department of Correction facilities. This decision was precautionary in nature and was made in the interest of the health and safety of IDOC staff and offenders. It is important to note there are no known cases of COVID-19 among any staff or offenders at any IDOC facility.

Click here to learn more about actions related to COVID-19 taken by the Indiana Department of Correction.

Click here for more information on the telephone and video service provider.

Click here to learn more about COVID-19 and to subscribe to updates from the Indiana State Department of Health website, or click here from more information from the Centers for Disease Control.