Submitted by Hamilton County Democratic Party
The Hamilton County Democratic Party is looking forward to offering voters a true choice in November after a strong primary election.

“Even with no contested primary elections, voters showed up for Democrats,” Hamilton County Democratic Party Chair Dayna Colbert said. “They are ready for their voices to be heard in their cities. They are eager to vote for candidates who represent them.”
Across the county, voters made history by requesting the Democratic ballot in record numbers. In Carmel, mayoral candidate Miles Nelson received the most votes of any Democrat running for municipal office in Carmel. Compared to 2019, Democrats saw a threefold increase in the number of votes cast in comparable districts.
In Fishers, 47 percent of ballots pulled were Democrat ballots, which is an 85 percent increase over 2019. Incumbent City Councilor and first Democrat elected to Fishers municipal government Jocelyn Vare increased her votes earned by 70 percent over 2019. Incumbent North Central District City Councilor Crystal Neuman and candidates Bill Stuart and Lane Skeeters all received more total votes than their Republican counterparts. When comparing district candidates from 2019, Democrats doubled their vote total.
In Westfield, Gary Lane received more votes than any Democrat in a Westfield municipal primary. Additionally, Alexis Lowry, running for Westfield City Council District 4, received nearly 20 percent of the votes cast in her district, despite being unopposed and with a competitive District 4 race on the Republican ticket.
In Noblesville, hundreds came to the polls and chose the Democratic ballot specifically to vote for Paula Jo Gilliam for Common Council at Large, despite the fact that she was the only candidate on the Democratic ballot.
“Hamilton County Democratic voters are realizing they’re not the only Democrats in their cities,” Colbert said. “We’re seeing a true shift towards a purple community. The Hamilton County Democratic Party, and the Democratic Party candidates, are committed to continuing to make sure residents across Hamilton County are aware that they will have a choice in how their cities continue to grow in November.”
Official primary election results will be certified on Friday, May 12. The general election will be Tuesday, Nov. 7.