Debunking the sensationalism of Carmel’s debt


Carmel Cents

Oh, the agony, as I read yet another obituary describing the financial death of Carmel. Year after year, decade after decade, writers have warned Carmel is just a few dollars away from fiscal demise due to “out-of-control” debt and spending. But, certainly to the irritation of those wishing to see Carmel fail, the wake has yet to be held.

I often wonder why it has become the personal assignment of a small, but admittedly loud, minority to ignore the facts, throw common sense out the window, and automatically assume the worst.

While these prognosticators claim to have our community’s best interests at heart, I often have conversations about why, even when provided with evidence of the many successes throughout the years, they continue the drumbeat that Carmel’s day of reckoning is right around the corner.

In today’s frenzied world of social media, I think it is more important than ever to make sure that the facts – those pesky things that often get in the way of a good doomsday story – are presented to inform and educate those who would like to know what’s really going on. That’s why I have agreed to write a series of columns about Carmel’s financial prowess and topics associated that need clarification.

Sensationalism is cheap and easy. When someone says, “Carmel has $1.4 billion in debt,” or “Carmel is spending us into oblivion using a credit card,” or my personal favorite, “Your children and grandchildren will have to pay the bill,” it can be scary. But is this really true? Should you be worried? Why or why not?

I’m passionate about Carmel. As a city councilman, I’m committed to serving our residents at the highest level. As a volunteer in our community, I’m dedicated to promoting our great city to those who live here and visit. As a Carmel resident, I’m thankful for our low tax rates and fantastic amenities. And as an author here, I’m excited to share clear and concise facts about the true shape of Carmel’s finances – backed up by verifiable data and examples of historical successes, not opinions. The truth will prevail right here in black and white.

And just so I don’t leave you hanging until next time – Carmel’s debt is $884 million, with only 5 percent being the responsibility of residential taxpayers. That’s $445 per person, not $14,000. You don’t buy a house for $300,000 and go around telling people it cost you $515,610.

Rest easy tonight as your children and grandchildren will also enjoy low taxes and top-quality services in Carmel, just as our residents do now.

2 Comments on "Debunking the sensationalism of Carmel’s debt"

  1. Let’s get a couple of pesky facts straight:
    1 “I have agreed to write a series” is another attempted manipulation by Worrell of the public. No one was clamoring for Jeff to write a series. This is a pay to publish website; this is another of Jeff’s media manipulations. Jeff runs, controls or manipulates so many media it’s getting hard to keep track of them all, but you can usually tell which ones they are if you see his picture all over them and of course, favorable ‘news’ of his activities. Carmel Cares, Let’s Talk Carmel, the list goes on and on. What you won’t ever see on his sites? Anything about grassroots candidates seeking to unseat the incumbents.
    2 What Jeff left out: Jeff and other cronies once invited Bill to city hall to ‘discuss’ Bill’s writings about Carmel finances. They did not tell Bill they would have video cameras waiting and ready to record everything. It was a sickening display– bullying of a senior citizen and fellow taxpayer who tries his best to serve all our neighbors. This has been evidence in other public comments made by Jeff, so he apparently is now attempting to manipulate the public so they don’t notice all that pesky bad behavior.. just in time for next year’s campaign.
    3 Jeff revealed his true rino colors on the ‘Kimball vote’ when he said he didn’t want to allow a caucus to decide the replacement. Voters already decided. They elected a republican. They had the right to replace him. Jeff’s position was to allow democrats a crack at it– upending the due process of an official election and county and state regulations.

    Jeff needs to go to pasture, along with the other cronies and their puppetmaster. Educate your neighbors. Let’s get one of our own in there to truly represent us.

    • Isaac Taylor | June 5, 2022 at 7:41 pm |

      Dave, think what you want about The Hamilton County Reporter and the news content and opinion columns we choose to publish, but we do NOT take money from people in exchange for their opinion pieces (or news, sports, or obituaries, for that matter).

      Furthermore, this locally-owned newspaper is NOT controlled by any politician in any fashion. Publisher Stu Clampitt and I choose what news and opinion pieces to publish, when to publish them, and how to present them on the pages. It would serve you well to reconsider that outlandish claim.

      The Hamilton County Reporter is a news organization which seeks to serve our readers and better inform the public. If you disagree with what Mr. Worrell has to say, I invite you to submit a Letter to the Editor to and we will happily publish it.

      Thanks for reading.

      Isaac Taylor
      Owner, Page Designer & Circulation Director

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