David Kinkead thrilled to support Heirbrandt’s re-election campaign

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Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter because I was overjoyed to see Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt file for re-election.

I could not imagine Hamilton County today without Mark Heirbrandt. The work he spearheaded over the course of his time serving as commissioner improved the entire county. While commissioner, Mark made major strides in road safety across the county. The State Road 37 project is now underway, and when finished, will be an incredible value to the community by attracting businesses along the corridor and shortening commute times.

Mark also implemented several cost-saving solutions in the county and had a major impact in increasing transparency at the county level. Thanks to his leadership, residents can use social media to effectively and efficiently communicate with the county and learn about projects happening around the community.

Just recently, Heirbrandt earned the Project of the Year from the Associated Builders & Contractors for powering the county’s correctional campus with solar energy and saving millions of taxpayer dollars.

I am very happy to support Mark Heirbrandt. Both his passion and work ethic have led to significant improvements in Hamilton County. Because of his impact and remarkable character, I am proud to cast my vote for Mark Heirbrandt on May 5.

David Kinkead

President, Sheridan Town Council