Darren Peterson finds new purpose for political yard signs

Darren Peterson, current Noblesville City Councilor, uses his creative and architectural vision to repurpose political campaign yard signs.

After winning in the May 2019 primary election, Peterson and his supporters had several signs left over. A friend was leading a Boy Scouts project and was looking for unique materials to build a birdhouse. The friend had Peterson’s signs left over and decided they would be the perfect resource to use for the project.

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Peterson loved the idea and even made several birdhouses himself. He’s also used them for other art projects.

“Thousands of political signs are thrown away or stored for years after elections. I love the idea of repurposing these signs for more uses,” said Peterson.

Peterson is the Owner and President of Peterson Architecture in downtown Noblesville, and has a strong passion for the arts. In the arts world, Peterson currently sits on the Nickel Plate Arts board, runs CanStruction and was the artist behind the two crosswalks in Forest Park. He’s been a part of Keep Noblesville Beautiful and Noblesville Main Street.

“To me, it’s about taking what already exists and putting a unique spin on it. Let’s make things interesting and meaningful for the residents of Noblesville,” said Peterson.

With the upcoming Nov. 5 general election, remember to get out and vote, and think twice before you throw away that yard sign.