Daniel Bragg: Sheridan about to experience even more growth

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Dear Editor:

Growth is in high gear in the Town of Sheridan.

As more development continues to happen around Westfield’s Grand Park, and the population in Hamilton County continues to grow, developers have taken notice of Sheridan. Currently, Arbor Homes is working on expanding Sheridan’s Maple Run subdivision, and on Thursday night the Sheridan Plan Commission is presented with the first step in adding another subdivision.

As Sheridan grows, the input of the community must be considered paramount, and that’s what I am hoping to see Thursday at the Sheridan Community Center. I am excited to be a part of the future of the town and am always looking for feedback from the community.

The potential subdivision is planned for land located between California Street and Hinesley Road, near the Sheridan High School. The plan calls for potentially 150 homes and includes a pond located on the east side of the property. I have already heard some feedback from nearby residents and sincerely hope that the meeting will be well-attended.

Daniel Bragg

Sheridan Plan Commission President