Daniel Bragg, 29, officially filed for the primary election for Sheridan Town Council, District 3. Bragg ran for one of Sheridan’s two At-Large seats in 2018, losing narrowly to both incumbents. He said he was encouraged following the 2018 primary and feels that 2019 can be even better.

“I had no idea what to expect when it came to the results of the primary,” said Bragg. “Not many things prepare someone for a political campaign. I knew why I was running and what I was hoping to accomplish, but portraying that to the people is a challenge. I’m sure that my age and lack of experience factored into my defeat.”
“The best part actually was election night,” Bragg continued. “Seeing how close it was built my confidence. That so many people believed in me was humbling.”
Bragg is running on a similar platform as he was in 2018: Strengthening local law enforcement, economic development and expanding Sheridan’s presence within Hamilton County.
“In order for any type of growth to happen in Sheridan, we must first ensure that our police and fire have everything they need to succeed,” said Bragg. “Once we achieve that, we can begin reaching out to businesses and developers about potentially partnering. Sheridan can benefit greatly from the success of Westfield’s Grand Park. State Road 47 is seeing ever-increasing traffic volumes, and Sheridan needs to capitalize on that.”
Bragg would also like to see an increased effort for the leaders in Sheridan to work with leaders throughout the county. While the rest of Hamilton County has flourished in the past several decades, Sheridan has remained stagnant. Working with the rest of the county, he says he hopes to build confidence to the Town of Sheridan that they are not forgotten.
“I want the people of Sheridan to feel represented,” Bragg said. “Too often, I have had conversations about the apparent disconnect between the council and the people. I want to see an added level of transparency. In a community our size, news travels fast. The key is to make every attempt that the news that is traveling is factual, and not just speculation.”
Bragg is a Sheridan High School graduate, an Air Force veteran and currently is a member of the Sheridan CHANGE Coalition. If you would like to contact him directly, you can reach him at DanielBragg2019@gmail.com.