Dancing with fairies

I have always been drawn to fairy gardens, but never had one until this year.

My daughter, Mary, is at the perfect age where her imagination is running wild and her questions about the world around her are endless. She has a thirst for curiosity that gives me such joy. She wants to know how old everyone is; if the Tooth Fairy has a first name; what is the name of the person using the stall next to her; why a flower is called what it is; a random stranger’s favorite color, and so much more. She has been very interested in fairies lately, so I figured it would be a great time to plan a fairy garden together.

I have had an old fountain for years that was bought by my mom at an antique shop in Michigan and was displayed at my childhood home. On the top of it sits a dove that I have always loved. The fountain has long since not worked, but I have always taken delight in it and have kept it around. Not only do I have a fondness for it because of the childhood memories, but it was also special because the first house my husband and I bought happened to be on a street named Dove Court, so it is extra special to me because of the fond memories we shared at that first home.

I have planted flowers in it over the years that natural moss has grown over the dirt, making it look like the perfect magical escape for these whimsical creatures.

I asked Mary what she thought about creating a space for the fairies in our yard and she was so excited. This prompted many questions from my four-year-old.

What kinds of things do fairies like? What are their favorite flowers? What do they eat? Do they have friends that are not fairies? Do they like turtles? What do they do for fun? Where do they sleep? What kind of a house do they want? Do they like to dance?

I told her that I was not sure what their favorite colors were, but I said I’ve always heard that they love purple. Fairies love all woodland creatures, especially turtles. They are friends with just about any creature in the forest.

They love daylilies because of their many different colors. They eat greens from our gardens and in the forest, but berries and mushrooms are their favorite. At least that is what I have always heard.

I know they love little cottages, but I imagine they can make themselves at home just about anywhere in nature. They love rainbows and are able to communicate with unicorns.

I told her that fairies love to dance and they sleep on the leaves of the flowers, and sometimes even inside the flowers themselves if it is raining.

We started looking up all types of flowers and accents for our fairy garden and before my eyes this magical little space had taken shape. I was just as excited as she was to show her new things that I had found for our garden. I love the stories that we continue to share over our fairy garden. I love when she asks me to walk outside with her to check on our fairies.

I am reminded of the importance of asking questions and using my imagination from Mary. If we all saw the world the way that she does, it would only be a beautiful place. The innocence of a fairy garden and the stories our imaginations conjured up since creating our magical space for the fairies are just what my own imagination and heart needed.

Nature is speaking to us. It encourages us to be curious and engage our imaginations. Do not forget to plant a little magic and let your imagination run wild with questions that foster your own curiosity. Most importantly, as you plan your gardens this season, don’t forget to leave room for your fairies to dance.

Happy 4th birthday to my sweet girl. I cannot wait for your fairy party. My wish for you is that all magic things be yours and that you never stop believing in fairies.

Megan Rathz is a wife, mother and teacher. She says everything she has ever learned in life came from her Master Gardener mother.

5 Comments on "Dancing with fairies"

  1. So imaginative. Love how you let your little girl design her own garden. I also love that you repurposed an old fountain. Very creative.

  2. What a wonderfully sweet article! Mary is very lucky to have such a fun Mommy! Love the idea of a fairy garden!

  3. Bob Workman | April 19, 2023 at 9:56 am |

    So sweet. Your articles always put a smile on my face. Happy birthday to your little girl! You should post pictures of the fairy garden you created!

  4. jesus angeles | April 19, 2023 at 10:38 am |

    Good writing

  5. So sweet. I’ll have to do this with my little ones

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