There’s love in the air. There’s romance. There’s chocolate. There’s a weird flying baby with a bow and arrow. That’s right, it’s that heart-laden holiday called Valentine’s Day. And seriously guys … it’s like two days away! Don’t tell me you forgot!
Now I’m speaking directly to the men out there who are in any kind of serious relationship. You know who you are. Don’t blow this one off, gentlemen. The stakes are too high.
If you and your loved one decided not to get each other gifts for Valentine’s Day this year … DON’T FALL FOR IT!!! No, I’m not saying your girl is a double agent trying to catch you in an I-can’t-believe-you-didn’t-get-me-anything trap. Actually, I’m saying exactly the opposite. I’ll explain as I go.
We all know the old saying, “happy wife, happy life.” Well, there’s a lot of truth to that. Think about it for a minute. Who is the rock of your family? Who is a gentle nurturer and superhuman bad a$$ rolled into one? I think we all know the answer to that question. As with anyone … a little show of appreciation can go a very long way.
For example, my wife, Megan, and I, like many families, both work full time. We have a five-year-old and a three-year-old, two dogs, a mortgage, meals to plan, and columns to write. Busy, busy, busy. But we made a promise to each other to keep our marriage at the very top of the busy list. So, once a week we have a date night. That doesn’t mean we go to an expensive restaurant and pay for a babysitter every week. Most of the time, we just think of something nice to cook for dinner, dress up a little bit and send the kids into the other room with their own “charcuterie” (mainly consisting of cheese cubes, yogurt packs, and popcorn). They know that when it’s date night, that is only for mom and dad. That’s one way we teach them the importance of marriage.
So, you don’t have to go all out all the time, but simple gestures can go far. In 2024, Americans spent $25.8 billion on Valentine’s Day. You know what that means? It means all her friends are doing something nice or getting a gift of some kind for the big day. Do you really want her to hear about their night and have nothing to say when they ask her what she did?
Now, you don’t have to spend billions to make her feel special. A simple gift, a nice meal, or some flowers can go a long way. Maybe something a little better than a candy heart that says “Be Mine” though.
Let’s wrap this column up and put a pretty pink bow on it. Guys, your girl works hard. She loves you. It’s up to you to let her know how much she means to you and how special she is. Valentine’s Day is a perfect opportunity to express that. I know you’re busy, and so is she. Make the time. It is well worth it for your relationship.
The moral of the story is … don’t fight Cupid, stupid.
Tim Rathz can be reached at Follow on Facebook or Instagram.
Well said! Everyone needs to feel appreciated!