County Surveyor’s Office receives statewide award

(From left) Rodney Renkenberger (INAFSM Awards Chair), Joe Miller (Banning Engineering), Kenton Ward (Hamilton County Surveyor), Jeff Healy (Banning Engineering) and Kenny Hale (INAFSM 2017 Chair). (Photo provided)

The Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office received the Outstanding Stormwater Project Award from the Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management (INAFSM). The award was presented to Hamilton County Surveyor Kenton C. Ward at the association’s annual meeting.

The award is for the Symons–Krause Regulated Drain Watershed Project in the Town of Sheridan. The need for the project was outlined in a drainage study completed by Banning Engineering which is serving as the project engineering consultant. This project is a cooperative effort between the Town of Sheridan and Hamilton County and consists of several improvements to the drainage system for the east portion of Sheridan, an area that has been plagued by flooding issues.

The portions of the plan completed to date include the purchase of two tracts downstream of Sheridan: removal of one residence which was within the floodplain and the completion of the South Drive storm sewer. Phase 1 of the Krause Drain improvements is being completed by the county under a U.S. Department of Agriculture rural development loan. Storm sewer improvements by the Town of Sheridan which are utilizing an Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs grant are currently under construction. Phases 2 and 3 of the Krause Drain improvements will begin later this year.

Five additional components of the plan are currently under design. Sharing this award with the Surveyor’s Office is the Town of Sheridan and Banning Engineering. For more information about INAFSM or the annual conference, please contact Rodney Renkenberger, 2017 INAFSM Awards Chair, at or Karen Avery, INAFSM Executive Director, at

About the INAFSM

The Indiana Association for Floodplain and Stormwater Management (INAFSM) is a nonprofit organization established in 1996 by professionals interested in and responsible for floodplain and stormwater management in the State of Indiana. INAFSM members include federal, state, and local agency staff, engineers, consultants, planners, elected officials, members of academia, students and floodplain residents. INAFSM serves professionals by providing educational opportunities and advocating for responsible floodplain and stormwater management.