County lawmakers remind residents to complete census

With 2020 Census responses impacting future federal funding in local communities, area lawmakers are urging Hamilton County residents to respond now if they have not already done so.

Door-to-door visits are beginning in some areas around the country to remind residents to complete their census forms. House Speaker Todd Huston (R-Fishers) said Indiana is currently tied for 10th in the nation for response rate, with nearly two-thirds of Hoosier census forms submitted.

“Hamilton County has grown tremendously over the past decade, which is why it is especially important to make sure every person is counted,” Huston said. “Having an accurate count ensures we receive the resources that can help shape our community for the future.”

Huston encourages residents to visit to fill out the census online or call 844-330-2020 or mail back the questionnaire sent to households. Billions of dollars in federal funding to support education, housing, health and public safety are on the line as the census data impacts strategic planning decisions about statewide job training, locations of new businesses and public transportation projects.

“It’s critical to get an accurate count as the information gathered from the census can influence funding for road projects and assistance programs,” State Rep. Jerry Torr (R-Carmel) said. “If you have not already completed your survey, I encourage everyone to get this done as soon as possible.”

State Rep. Tony Cook (R-Cicero) said the census office is still waiting for responses from approximately one fourth of the households in Hamilton County.

“A majority of residents in Hamilton County have already filled out their census, but many still need to complete it,” Cook said. “Our data is essential to ensuring local communities have federal funding for vital resources like schools, hospitals, roads, public works and other programs.”

Census workers who are going door-to-door will wear masks and follow local public health guidelines when they visit homes. State Rep. Chuck Goodrich (R-Noblesville) said all census takers complete a virtual COVID-19 training on social distancing, and other health and safety protocols before beginning their work in neighborhoods.

“This count is coming at a time when those going door-to-door are taking extra precautions to try to prevent the spread of COVID-19,” Goodrich said. “These workers are equipped with the knowledge to accurately collect the information they need while protecting the public.”

“It is amazing to see more and more people choose to make Hamilton County home,” State Rep. Donna Schaibley (R-Carmel) said. “It’s important our community is counted so we receive our fair share of federal funds, which will allow us to continue our positive growth.”

Self-responses are due by Sept. 30, 2020.