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The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) is reporting an alarming increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases in Hamilton County.
According to ISDH, Hamilton County on Sunday experienced the most single day new cases since the pandemic began, with 57 new cases.
According to ISDH data, during a three-day period from Saturday, June 13 through Monday, June 15, 112 county residents tested positive for the virus.
Hamilton County Health Department Administrator Barry McNulty says the state’s data isn’t accurate.

“The numbers which were reported out by ISDH this afternoon contain a number of inconsistencies which are skewing our COVID-19 positive cases,” said McNulty. “Our nurses reviewed the data provided by ISDH and found numerous people who were entered into the system more than once, effectively creating two cases out of one positive case. For example, they entered Christian Walker and Walker, Christian, with all of the other pertinent data being the same it would still count twice. Additionally, our nurses discovered that some of the positive tests entered were dated as far back as the beginning of May.”
McNulty said his department is in contact with ISDH to correct the information. He also said the Hamilton County Health Department is working with labs that may not be reporting positive test results in a timely manner.