Tent systems like these will be deployed to allow radio operators to use equipment off-grid, set up a temporary emergency operations center or incident command post. (Photo provided)
Amateur radio operators from the Hamilton County Emergency Management’s Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) and the Central Indiana Amateur Radio Association (CIARA) will participate in the national amateur radio exercise on Saturday, June 26, and Sunday, June 27. The event is part of the national Amateur Radio Relay League’s Field Day (arrl.org/fieldday), an annual event organized since 1933.
Hamilton County’s Field Day will be held at River Road Park, 12575 River Road, Carmel. Emergency Management will use the event to conduct a proof of concept with new shelter systems. Three tent systems will be deployed to allow radio operators to use equipment off-grid, set up a temporary emergency operations center or incident command post. Several different radios with different antennas will be used to make contacts across North America.

Shane Booker, Executive Director of Hamilton County Emergency Management, said, “When a community is devastated by a disaster, amateur radio operators can communicate when others cannot. They send critical information to coordinate life-saving emergency response and recovery efforts, completely independent of the internet and phone systems. Hamilton County is extremely fortunate to have several technical resources, but more importantly, dedicated individuals who stand ready to serve their community.”
Emergency Management supports CIARA to foster coordination and support among the Hamilton County amateur radio community.
Field Day is open to the public as an opportunity to learn more about amateur radio and view disaster response equipment.
“We are excited to not only demonstrate emergency communications capabilities but new emergency response resources,” Booker said. The public can stop by from 2 to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday to tour the disaster response setup.

Field Day is open to the public as an opportunity to learn more about amateur radio and view disaster response equipment. (Photo provided)
Hamilton County Emergency Management’s RACES team and CIARA hosts quarterly amateur radio testing sessions to provide the public with an opportunity to obtain their license. In addition, there are several resources to help prepare for exams, such as hamstudy.org. A basic license and a radio ensure individual and family level communications when cellphones and the internet are unavailable. To view the schedule of upcoming testing dates, visit hamiltoncounty.in.gov/races.
For more information, contact Joe March, RACES Program Coordinator, at joe.march@hamiltoncounty.in.gov.