Councilman Steve Schwartz asks you to vote for Jeff Hern

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Dear Editor,

My time with Jeff Hern on the Hamilton County Council has been a wonderful experience. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know and working with him.

One of the necessities of being a good councilor is truly understanding the county budget and how each department fits into the county’s resources and necessary public services. Jeff is one of these people. His deep understanding of the county budget is a tremendous asset to our community.

Jeff has always believed in being a good steward of taxpayer money and getting to know the community you are a part of. Since we share very similar philosophies about the role of government, it has been easy to work with Jeff to make Hamilton County an even better place.

No matter the situation, Jeff has consistently understood that to be an effective councilor, you must be ready to help at any level and that no problem is too small. Hamilton County is better because of Jeff Hern, and I look forward to continuing to work with him on the Council.

Please consider voting for Jeff Hern on June 2 for Hamilton County Council.

Steve Schwartz


Current Hamilton County Councilor