Jackson Township Trustee, Cicero Town Council President step down Dec. 1 . . .
Cicero Town Council President Rusty Miller and Jackson Township Trustee Christina (Chris) Miller have both stepped down from their elected office effective Saturday, Dec. 1.
Resignation letters were sent electronically to both Republican Party Chair Laura Campbell and Hamilton Clerk Tammy Baitz on Friday. Having purchased a new home in Carmel, the Millers have placed their Jackson Township property for sale. As of Saturday, the Millers are living full-time in Carmel.

Rusty Miller
A caucus to find a replacement for Rusty Miller on the Cicero Town Council should follow. That appointee will serve until the end of 2019.
Regarding who will fill the office of trustee for the month of December until trustee-elect Robyn Cook takes office in 2019, Chris Miller said according to state statute, if there is a designee when a trustee steps down, that designee could serve the remainder of the term. Although that decision rests with the Republican Party, Heather Souder is the Jackson Township designee. She could serve as interim trustee for the final month of the year.
Rusty Miller said he was glad to have been a part of the success of Cicero.
“I’ve enjoyed working with the people of Cicero, with the council and with the department heads,” Rusty Miller said. “I wish them all the best. I’m proud and humbled to have been a part of so many great things in Cicero. It was wonderful to help grow the Cicero Sports Complex for our local youth and to be a part of obtaining the grant to improve and revitalize downtown. The opportunity to help recognize Charlie Cambre for his lifetime of service with the dedication of the pier and kayak launch at Red Bridge Park as ‘Charlie’s Landing’ was a great experience.”
Chris Miller reflected on her time in office and spoke of the future of the township when speaking to The Reporter Saturday afternoon.

“While the last eight years have sometimes been stormy and challenging, I am very proud of what the board and I have accomplished in that time,” she said. “Jackson Township is most definitely safer with a better fire department and paramedics. We now have nine firefighters. That makes my heart feel good and lets me sleep much sounder at night knowing that everyone is safer. Thanks to everyone who was involved in making all of this possible. I wish the next trustee all the luck in the world. I want her to succeed because her success is the success of the township, and that’s what’s most important.”
The Millers told The Reporter they will not disappear from northern Hamilton County now that they have moved.
“While our residence will be in Carmel, we will not be strangers,” the Millers said. “We have many friends in northern Hamilton County and friendships are not based on your address, but on the relationships you build. We will certainly frequent northern Hamilton County to enjoy all the good things going on up here now and in the future.”
Stepping away from public life and into private life for the Millers began Saturday.
“We are looking forward to our new adventure in Carmel,” Rusty Miller said.