Wednesday’s Hamilton County Council meeting gave county leaders an opportunity to speak publicly on their position in regards to Jeff Hern.
Although none of the county council members directly supported Hern, each had a different opinion.
Councilman Paul Ayers wasn’t concerned about the seriousness of Hern’s act. “The seriousness of the act isn’t my concern. My concern with counselor Hern is, after he pled guilty, and
after it was public knowledge, there has not been a word of apology. As I understand it there has not been a fulfillment as ordered by the court. You should have been apologizing to the people who sponsored you and to the public in general, you have kept silent to this council,” stated Ayers.
Council President Fred Glynn said, “This directly affected a member of this body and the public sees this. It was during an election and that to me is unacceptable. We have to conduct ourselves differently during an election. I think we have to make a statement to the public that we don’t accept that type of behavior when it comes to our election process and other members of this body.”
“I am going to give you a little bit different perspective,” said Steve Schwartz. “If we are going to start casting stones at Mr. Hern and asking him to resign for a supposed crime he committed there is probably other felonies and people who have had issues on this council and if you want go back and look you might eliminate three to four other members.”
Councilwoman Amy Massillamany stated, “I personally would not plead guilty to something that I was innocent of, right wrong or indifferent based on the amount of money or what it would put your family through. This is the first time I’ve seen this document. I don’t agree, I am abstaining and I don’t feel I’ve had enough time to process this.”
Following a statement by Jeff Hern, council member Rick McKinney said, “I don’t know Jeff, if you are living in a fantasy land, because the agreement to withhold prosecution is contingent upon you admitting the offense of Criminal Mischief. If you deny it you are committing perjury. It is plain as day. You had the best defense team in Indiana money can buy and they didn’t get the charges dismissed. It is a plea agreement and I think honestly it is almost delusional.”
Also speaking at Wednesday council meeting were two Hamilton County precinct committeemen, Jim DeCamp representing the Carmel’s Southwest Clay Precinct #1 and David Giffel representing Delaware Township Precinct #19.
Decamp stated, “This is the stuff of corruption. People in my precinct remember the events of thirteen months ago and they don’t like it. I call upon you (Hern) to resign.
Giffel stated, “What he (Hern) is not doing, is making restitution to the public. We have a petition going around right now asking for your resignation.”