Corbett’s open letter to Noblesville city employees

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Dear Editor:

I know that for public employees there is a bit of apprehension during election years. This year in particular is probably weighing on your mind given that a change in leadership this cycle is a guarantee rather than a possibility. I want to give you a glimpse of what you can expect if I have the honor of becoming the next Mayor of Noblesville.

I am not the kind of person to storm through the doors wielding an axe on day one. I don’t plan on mass cuts across the board or bringing in my own team just for the sake of doing so. You’ll find that I bring a thoughtful, deliberate approach to management. My first weeks in office will be spent meeting with you, getting familiar with the work you’re doing, finding out what works well and what could be done better. I will ask a lot of questions and ask that you do the same.

As my administration takes shape and vision is laid out for the future of the city, you and your teams will have opportunities to get to know me and I, you. It’s going to take a little time to sort things out and that’s OK. During that process I think you’ll find that my style is to keep everyone as informed as possible. I like to be hands-on and available; I take great joy in meeting with people and don’t often sequester myself in an office.

If you feel like you’re in the wrong position or you have ideas and plans that haven’t been realized I want to know, and I want you to feel comfortable expressing that. Think of a big-name athlete when their performance plummets and they start getting bad press. If they continue underperforming they eventually get traded to another team where the next season they’re at the top of their game again. It wasn’t the athlete that was the problem, it was the atmosphere they were in or the leadership they were under. I want you to think of this pending transition not as you getting cut from the team but as someone that will have a fresh start on a new team.

I hope you’ll see the coming election as a great possibility to do greater things. I will certainly do everything in my power to make sure that happens. I will look at all aspects of your work and environment to make sure you have the right atmosphere, training and tools available to you. Together we can take Noblesville to greater heights. I’m excited for the future and I hope you are too.

If you have any questions or concerns you’d like to talk about, or if you want to share your goals or hopes for the city or your position with me, please reach out. I would love to hear from you. You can call me at 317-985-6427 or email me at

Mike Corbett

Noblesville mayoral candidate