Contracts awarded for SR 37 upgrade

Changes made for parking garage

Construction contracts have been awarded on two new interchanges on State Road 37, and work has begun at the 126th Street intersection with 37. This is the first of a massive plan to upgrade 37 to a freeway style highway without stop-and-go signals from Noblesville to Interstate 69.

Reith-Riley Construction has begun work at 126th on a project that will necessitate closing access to 37 from the west next month. When work is completed on the west lane of the new roadway later this year, access from the east will then be halted temporarily.

The $22 million project will be followed by a reconstruction of the 146th and 37 intersection, also to be undertaken by Reith-Riley at a cost of $29.8 million, according to County Highway Director Brad Davis.

Work at the 146th Street site will get underway this summer.

Davis said bids were reasonably close to estimates and reports of giving up a full interchange at 141st Street to save money is only an option should future bids exceed estimates.

The overall 37 upgrade will proceed for the next three years. Total cost was originally estimated to be about $125 million. The State of Indiana has committed to pay $100 million of the cost.

Davis appeared at Monday’s county commissioners meeting to report on progress on various highway projects. Commissioners decided to postpone replacing the bridge deck on the Carrigan Road bridge until fall after business owners in the area asked for a delay.

A contract with DHA Consultants for planning improvements to 236th Street from U.S. 31 to Deming Road will be signed soon, Davis said. The improvements include widening traffic lanes by about two feet, lowering elevation on a hill, constructing paved shoulders and a paved pathway for pedestrians and bicycles.

Construction is already underway on this type of improvement east of Deming Road. The 236th upgrade will allow safer travel from 31 to Cicero. At 31 and 236th the Indiana Department of Transportation has scheduled a modern interchange without stop-and-go signals, Davis reported.

Commissioners are preparing to proceed with construction of a three-level parking garage in downtown Noblesville. It will be located entirely on the north side of Clinton Street between 8th and 9th streets.

This is a change from original plans for bridging Clinton Street and having a two-level structure on both sides of Clinton. The change allows cost savings and more future options for the county property on the south, according to Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt.

The parking garage is part of a downtown redevelopment plan that involves selling county parking lots on the south side of Conner Street to developers J.C. Hart and other interests who plan a multi-use development there.

It is estimated the county will get $4.5 million for the land.