The City of Noblesville announced on Thursday that Chris Beaver has requested a continuance of his Noblesville Plan Commission application that would potentially move forward a controversial proposed gravel pit near Potter’s Bridge.

According to city officials, the project was to be heard by the Noblesville Plan Commission on Monday, Oct. 19. It has now been scheduled for the Nov. 16 meeting.
Once gravel operations are complete, Beaver has pledged to give the property to the county parks department to allow for the expansion of Potters Bridge Park to the north.
Last month the Hamilton County Parks Department announced that if the project was approved, expansion would happen in two phases.
Phase 1 entails a 10-acre land donation by Beaver Materials.
Phase 2 would be an additional 40-acre land donation by Beaver Materials. Phase 2 would include the creation of a 30-acre lake by Beaver Materials for the use of recreational activities provided by the Hamilton County Parks Department.
The project has been adamantly opposed by a group of Noblesville citizens known as “Don’t Leave It To Beaver.”
Due to the continuance, no public comment period regarding the application will be held at the Oct. 19 Plan Commission meeting. All written comments and petitions received to this point will be included with the information at the Nov. 16 Plan Commission meeting.
The Planning Department will continue to gather public input and comments on this project over the coming month. You can submit additional written comments via email to Denise Aschleman at, or at Noblesville City Hall, 16 S. 10th St., Suite B140, until Monday, Nov. 9.