Donald G. Rainwater II has filed for mayor of Westfield on the Libertarian Party ticket, which creates a contest with incumbent Republican Mayor Andy Cook. The mayor was unopposed in the primary election. There is no Democratic candidate.

Originally Rainwater had filed for city council, but following the May GOP primary when an apparent undercurrent of voter discontent ousted three incumbent members of the city council, Rainwater withdrew from the council race and filed for mayor.
Rainwater, 55, is a veteran of the U.S. Navy and former vocational computer and business teacher. He and his wife, Leslie, are parents of six children. He ran for state representative as a Libertarian last year in a contest won by incumbent Republican Rep. Donna Schaibley.
I believe that our system of government cannot work if voters do not have choices. If the only option is to vote for a single candidate or stay home, that is not a choice. My goal is to reduce municipal taxation, debt, and unnecessary spending, while focusing on strengthening Westfield’s infrastructure, public safety, and education.