Hamilton County will break ground on a new parking garage at Eighth and Clinton streets in Noblesville at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 10. The new garage will consolidate parking for county employees who currently use several lots around downtown Noblesville.

“Building this parking garage will prevent county employees from having to cross Indiana State Road 32 to get to the government center, which can be dangerous,” said Mark Heirbrandt, president of the Hamilton County Commissioners. “This parking garage will also help us accommodate a burgeoning court system. Hamilton County will soon get another judge which means more jury members, attorneys, and judges.”
Building of the new garage also frees up land on the south side of Conner Street that is currently being used for county parking. The City of Noblesville and J.C. Hart have agreed to purchase the lot from the county for $4.5 million and plan to develop a $47 million mixed-use development with commercial and retail space.
“This is a win-win for everyone involved,” Heirbrandt added. “That property sits near the river and is prime for redevelopment. As it is now, that land is not taxable because it is owned by the county. But selling it and putting it back on the tax rolls will generate tax income for Noblesville.”
The five-story garage is expected to cost $11.5 million. It will have 475 parking spaces. It should be open by February of next year. The public will be able to use the parking garage after 5 p.m. on weekdays and on the weekends.