Concerned Carmel voter expresses strong support for Fred Glynn

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Dear Editor:

As a concerned citizen and an older resident of Carmel, I am writing to express my unwavering support for Fred Glynn, who is running for Mayor of our beloved city.

I am deeply troubled by Carmel’s ever-increasing debt load that has a direct impact on property tax rates, which have put a heavy burden on our community. That’s why I believe Fred is the only candidate who has the experience and dedication to address these pressing financial issues and bring fiscal responsibility and good management to our city.

Fred Glynn has been focused on Carmel’s financial woes from the very beginning. His track record as a champion of fiscal responsibility and good management speaks for itself. During his time on the County Council, Fred consistently fought for prudent spending, balanced budgets, and responsible debt management. He understands that excessive debt can have long-term negative consequences for our city, burdening future generations with unnecessary financial strain. Fred has consistently demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that our tax dollars are used wisely and efficiently, and that our city’s finances are managed responsibly.

As an older resident of Carmel, I am acutely aware of the impact of rising property taxes on our community. Many of us are on fixed incomes, and the constant increase in property taxes has made it challenging to afford living in our homes, which we have worked hard to maintain for years. Fred Glynn recognizes the need to alleviate the financial burden on our citizens, and he has a proven track record of working towards solutions that promote low costs and sustainability for all residents.

Fred Glynn’s experience, dedication, and proven track record make him the best choice for Carmel’s Mayor. He has a deep understanding of our city’s financial challenges and has shown his commitment to addressing them with sound fiscal policies.

I trust Fred Glynn to continue his proven record of fiscal responsibility and good management as our next Mayor of Carmel, and I urge my fellow residents to join me in supporting his candidacy.

Sue Lile