Company’s coming!

From the Heart

I believe the greatest motivational phrase ever spoken are two simple words … company’s coming!

It was Thursday night when Chuck arrived home from choir practice about 9:00. He walked into the screened-in porch and told me he had been talking to his son, Scott.

“Scott and Jesse will be here this weekend.” Jesse is Chuck’s grandson. They live in New York City.

I was absolutely thrilled they were coming for Chuck’s birthday party on Sunday.

Then I went into panic mode. It’s what I do when I find out people will be coming to our house.

Now understand, I love having people over to our house. I enjoy entertaining. I just tend to go over the top when doing so.

I enjoy sprucing up the house, planning meals and all the fun things about entertaining. I think I get that from my mother.

My mother would always have something sweet and delectable baked just in case we had unexpected company. People used to do that when I was a kid, especially on Sunday afternoons.

There would be a pot of coffee on the stove along with some sweets. You never came to my mother’s home and not have something to eat. You never left hungry.

Friday afternoon I put the bed clothes, as my mother would say, into the washer and I headed to Gatewood’s Market.

Scott and Jesse live in New York City. I thought they might enjoy some Hoosier corn on the cob, juicy, from the garden, fresh tomatoes and a diamond watermelon.

I was a few minutes late to work on Saturday as I wanted to pick up some fresh flowers from the Noblesville Farmer’s Market.

I will have my one pot meal for Sunday dinner. Kentucky Wonder green beans with chunks of potatoes with sliced smoked sausage. Of course, cornbread, made in a cast iron skillet, will be served as well.

No one is served a dinner at my house without a sweet ending. Sunday it will be razzleberry pie with ice cream.

I want my guests to feel comfortable and welcome. While I may fuss around and look a bit frazzled, I am loving every minute. I hope my company knows how much I enjoy having them.

There will be close to 90 people at Stoney Creek Golf course on Sunday evening to celebrate Chuck’s birthday. I call it his home away from home. I often joke that he married me because I lived closer to the golf course than he did.

No, I’m not baking the birthday cake. (Sam is … Sam’s Club.)

I can’t wait to celebrate Chuck and have company for a few days.

I have our nest feathered, bedclothes back on the beds, goodies baked and Chuck has the yard looking like we have landscapers. Let the fun begin!

How old will my husband be? Well let’s just say that Chuck will now have an easier time shooting his age on the golf course.

Let the good times roll! The Leonard bed and breakfast is ready for guests!