Commissioners: Steve Schwartz gets it

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Dear Editor:

We are writing to express our support for the re-election of Steve Schwartz for Hamilton County Council.

Steve has served as a diligent public servant in our community for more than 20 years. He is committed to leading Hamilton County with a fiscally responsible approach. We have watched Councilor Schwartz make sound financial decisions for our residents based on research, listening and growth.

Under Steve’s leadership, our county has been able to obtain an AAA Bond Rating and continue to make progress economically. Steve has been instrumental in several initiatives that have propelled Hamilton County forward, all while maintaining one of the state’s lowest county tax rates.

When Steve first started his career as a County Councilor, he made it a priority to meet with each one of the 50-plus county departments. He understands that Hamilton County continues to evolve and grow, and that understanding the needs of the county is crucial. Steve gets it.

A 43-year Noblesville resident, Schwartz has always put the people of Hamilton County at the forefront. Since he was 12 years old, Schwartz has been passionate about serving people, when he became an entrepreneur. Since then, he has owned several companies in Noblesville with his wife, Lori, and has employed hundreds in Hamilton County.

We believe that Steve Schwartz is more than qualified to continue his dedicated service on the Hamilton County Council. We ask that you please vote for Steve Schwartz on May 3.

Thank you.

Christine Altman, Steve Dillinger & Mark Heirbrandt

Hamilton County Commissioners

3 Comments on "Commissioners: Steve Schwartz gets it"

  1. Commissioner Dillinger ; 33 years.
    Commissioner Altman ; 22 years
    Councilor Schwartz ; 22 years

    Some would argue this represents experience & deep knowledge of the county & it’s people.
    Others would suggest the above makes a good case for term limits. Things tend to get awfully comfy over several decades.
    I once asked Brad Beaver when he was running for Dillingers seat several years ago ; ” Brad, why do you want this job thats mostly administrative boredom punctuated by a sometimes upset constituency with an axe to grind ? ”
    His surprisingly honest answer ; ‘ because It’s good to be King”

  2. I would take Schwartz over fake “humble” Mark Hall all day.

  3. Donna Teal | April 8, 2022 at 12:30 pm |

    A vote for SCHWARTZ is a vote for integrity. No made up stories or numerous lawsuits or campaigning in churches. We see the “Hall” signs behind the hungry houses.

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