Commissioners Dillinger, Altman urge voters to re-elect Heirbrandt

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Dear Editor:

We have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Mark Heirbrandt for nearly seven years, and we could not have asked for a better teammate and public servant for Hamilton County. Mark’s enthusiasm and passion for our community is palpable, and he consistently brings a new perspective to our work as County Commissioners.

During his tenure as County Commissioner, Mark Heirbrandt has worked tirelessly to provide Hamilton County with some of the best quality roads and bridges in the state. Road projects like Lowe’s Way to provide a direct route from 146th Street to Keystone Parkway and Rangeline Road, State Road 37, and expansions on 276th Street. These improvements are making roadways safer while shortening commute times in our county. During each of these projects, we were impressed with Mark’s ability to discuss concerns and priorities with residents who expressed an interest in the project. Mark has always prioritized communication and put the residents first.

When you vote in this election, we urge you to support Mark Heirbrandt Hamilton County Commissioner.

To learn more about how to vote in person on Election Day, vote early, or vote by mail-in absentee ballot, please go to

Steve Dillinger, Noblesville

Christine Altman, Carmel

Hamilton County Commissioners

1 Comment on "Commissioners Dillinger, Altman urge voters to re-elect Heirbrandt"

  1. Interestingly enough when I announced my candidacy for County Commissioner the number one issue everyone I spoke with brought up was roads. County roads. The main concern being over building of new neighborhoods and the associated increased traffic without improving the narrow, shoulderless county roads. Also drainage is a big problem is multiple areas on said roads. Even Mark admitted in a recent podcast that he spends “the majority of my time on drainage issues”.

    Now I know Hamilton county is a big place, but after 7 years of being all about roads and drainage wouldn’t you think the issues most on people’s minds would be something else?

    I appreciate Christine and Steve would love nothing more than the continuation of a rubber stamp for their agenda. But what I’m offering is true transparency (which may entail answering some uncomfortable questions).

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