Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt recently spoke to Sheridan Rotarians and several other interested community members about various Hamilton County infrastructure projects currently underway or planned for the near future. Projects talked about included the planned upgrade to State Road 47 along the southern border of the Sheridan community, the widening of West 236th Street through the Bakers Corner community and the ongoing drainage project on the east edge of town. These were the three projects that will most directly affect Sheridan in the next couple of years.

Hamilton County Commissioner Mark Heirbrandt speaks to Sheridan Rotary. (Photo provided)
Heirbrandt took time to show pictures of the proposed U.S. 31 interchange projects at 236th and 276th streets, both of which will impact Adams Township. The extension of 276th Street to State Road 19, and the widening of 236th Street east of U.S. 31 towards Cicero will also impact the area.
He next turned his attention to more distant projects such as the upgrades coming to State Road 37 along the east side Noblesville, changes coming to the northern terminus of Keystone Avenue, and modifications to SR 32 through downtown Westfield. All in all, it was a busy hour’s worth of information filled with lots of PowerPoint pictures and diagrams. Heirbrandt emphasized that hundreds of millions of dollars are needed to accomplish these projects but he also pointed out that Hamilton County’s population is expected to double to some 600,000 people in another 30 years or so. While much of the money will come from state and federal grants, county taxpayers will also be expected to add to that amount as the northern part of Hamilton County experiences a huge growth spurt in the coming years.
Sheridan Rotary was pleased to offer members of the community this preview look at Sheridan and Hamilton County infrastructure projects. It points to the fact that Sheridan and northern Hamilton County are facing important challenges as growth occurs in the area. The cooperation of Commissioner Heirbrandt in keeping the Sheridan community informed is certainly appreciated.
As Sheridan library director Steve Martin noted, “I sometimes think Mark spends more time in Sheridan than he does in Noblesville and for that we are thankful. He watches out for our community.”
Sheridan Rotary has formal meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month with interesting programs. The meetings start at 6:15 p.m and are held in the Community Room of the Sheridan Public Library, 103 W. First St. If you would like more information about meetings or Rotary, please contact any Sheridan Rotary member or come by the library and talk with Steve Martin.