City of Carmel, or City of Cohen?

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Dear Editor:

Right out of the gate (there’s a pun here, but you won’t get it till the end) – I love Carmel.

The Monon. Experiencing all four seasons. The yummy food around each season. The people … most are rare diamonds with hearts of gold. Good people. Hardworking. Truly Midwestern good people. I’ve enjoyed living here. A place where labels and big names aren’t dinner table discussions – it’s family, friends, how you treat people. Being a genuine, caring, loving person is what becomes your legacy. People aren’t going to remember how big your house is or how many you own. It’s how generous, grateful, and understanding you are towards people in your life. That’s what ends up being the mark you leave on the world. Relationships, how you treat people.

Sadly, one wealthy privileged bully has recently ruined the livelihoods of over two dozen hardworking people. In the midst of a pandemic, when businesses are closing left and right, no less. Lord knows the last year has been record-breaking tough on everyone.

So, all I can think is, does Mr. Cohen even have a heart?! He supposedly lives in the Heartland … but you could have fooled me. Word around town is he spends over half the year in Florida. His “house” in Carmel is part time office space for members of his family. It’s not a home where Mom is trying to put kids to bed at night. To my knowledge, the property owner and adult offspring are hardly there.

The fact is, it’s Mr. Cohen that’s not very neighborly. Back when issues began to arise, the city (of Carmel) asked both sides to find a way to co-exist. The GOAT has done everything possible (with much success) at reducing all issues across the board. Reduced hours, zero use of yard area, put up gates, signs, installed cameras, etc.

Meanwhile, Mr. Cohen has done nothing towards finding resolution as he only seeks the outcome of a shutdown. His approach is more like a fight to the death vs. trying to work things out. The GOAT offered (numerous times) to pay for installing a gate or fence of Mr. Cohen’s choosing for his property, but for no reason whatsoever, he refused. Pretty sure the ONLY way trespassing issues will go away is by way of a gate or fence.

Most residents in the area have already done so because they know living in the Entertainment & Arts District of Carmel that has 1) a brewery (you could throw a rock to); 2) other bar/restaurant establishments all over the area; 3) a public plaza; 4) with public parking garage literally across the street: will inevitably have foot traffic. Good grief, 5) it is the Monon after all. If you don’t want anyone on your property, get a fence. It’s really that simple.

The GOAT will forever go down in history as the Greatest Of All Time in my book. It’s extremely troubling that ONE individual with deep pockets has done all this merely because he wants things his way. Completely disregarding what it will do to the people of Carmel. Even though the BZA voted the way it did – it’s no secret that the TRUE community of Carmel are in support of the GOAT. For someone that hardly has a face-to-face presence or positive affect to THIS city getting his way like this makes me wonder, is this the City of Carmel or the City of Cohen?

Should other establishments be worried he will come after them if something happens that he doesn’t agree with or like? It’s my understanding three more bars/restaurants will be going into the ground level of the Railyard across the street from him. Should they be worried about Mr. Cohen? If the answer to that is no, then why should the GOAT? If the answer to that is yes, should we all be worried? When will it end? What’s to stop Mr. Cohen from going after me or anyone who writes in opposition to him?

I realize I’m a small (and in his mind, insignificant) voice in a room of big swinging people of power and wealth. However, the truth hurts to those on the other side of it. And the truth is, The GOAT is hardly out of place. It supports the good people and patrons of Carmel in the sensible/common area to do so. If anything, it is Mr. Cohen who needs to re-evaluate his place in this community, not to mention his treatment of the people in it. The type of work performed within his Carmel “residence” could be done anywhere. If you prefer anti-social type life (for lack of a better term) or quieter style, may I suggest you refrain from owning property in an area clearly meant for social activity.

As for the City’s part in all this, it’s pretty simple to explain. It was an unfortunate oversight. A hiccup. Completely understandable given what the world was going through at the time. Obviously, we had (and still have) bigger issues to deal with, which makes Mr. Cohen’s position even more out of place.

Besides, I’d argue the zoning debacle ultimately doesn’t change the outcome for the GOAT property. Given that it borders the Monon and is adjacent to Midtown Plaza – the space was never meant to be residential, nor will it ever be. Everyone can see the obvious. Anyone with a brain knows it’s meant to be commercial and will eventually be zoned as such. All of the thoughtful, hard work Carmel has made over the years clearly represents that being the intention of this area, with more developments in the future at that.

By continually being a stick in the mud and making this a personal/pride issue, Mr. Cohen is only costing the city and the people of Carmel money as well as 28 people their jobs. Honestly, he should be ashamed of himself. All of the back and forth is making a mountain out of a molehill and is unnecessary.

The major issues have been addressed. Allow the city to rezone (like it has done many times over), gate Mr. Cohen’s property, and call it a day. The GOAT, its patrons, and community of Carmel appreciate it and will continue to be on our best behavior.

Mary Anna McEachern


15 Comments on "City of Carmel, or City of Cohen?"

  1. Well written and 100% true. That property is absolutely commercial. I’ve never gone into the GOAT but have walked and been around it multiple times because that’s where you go in Carmel at night. It’s become a hub. We’ve lived here 14 years and have watched the beautiful development of the downtown area into a place people actually want to hang out and spend time, which includes the GOAT. Time for Cohen to sell and move elsewhere.

  2. Carmel Resident | May 21, 2021 at 10:43 pm |

    I respect what he did. Carmel does not need a 3 am bar it attracts the wrong crowd. Place only had two bathrooms too and then they added Johnny on the spots on the side like everyday is Mardi Gras. Bar was out of place.

    • Mary Anna | May 22, 2021 at 12:08 pm |

      Wow. You respect putting others out of work? You sound like a stand up citizen…but then again I guess you could see that type of blacklash coming which is why you didn’t disclose your identity. Also, the goat has not been open til 3 AM since Nov. People are still in his yard and they aren’t even open. So he can close down the Goat yet still have trespassers. Riddle me that? Honestly, how hard is it to install a fence?

    • GOAT advocate | May 22, 2021 at 3:20 pm |

      Do you even live in Carmel???? Carmel has multiple 3am bars. Let’s make a list:
      Johnny B’s
      All conveniently located in residential areas. Sounds like a biased comment to me.

  3. Alan is a bad person because he didn’t want people trespassing, peeing, puking, passing out, having sex and illegally drinking alcohol on his property? This editorial is a joke.

    • Mary Anna | May 22, 2021 at 2:02 pm |

      Job loss isn’t a joke. Your comment is though. Never said he was a bad person. Just pointing out the facts. A fence solves his problem. Also, doesn’t send people to unemployment. Lastly, the majority of the incidents you speak of haven’t happened in over 6 months.

  4. Not a bully | May 22, 2021 at 11:31 am |

    Did he pay you to leave that comment? Because anyone who knows the goat knew that it was no longer open until 3am and only allowed 80 people inside at once. Also surrounding bars still have people peeing in the guys yard. I have videos of them doing it after the goat closed. He needs to move and the city needs to do something about this guy harassing people. Funny after Linda Cohen viewed this post that you decided to comment. People see right through you!

  5. That space should be zoned as commercial. There is no way it was ever meant to be residential… wasn’t Bubs breakfast place there before?? Makes no sense. Love the GOAT. Should never have been shut down. He needs to look at all of the people who lost their jobs because of his unwillingness to work it out. BRING BACK THE GOAT!!!!

  6. Not a fan of liars | May 22, 2021 at 12:12 pm |


  7. Mary Anna | May 22, 2021 at 12:16 pm |


  8. Susan Paul | May 22, 2021 at 12:26 pm |

    100% fact written article, I have watched Carmel grow for close to 2o yrs. The city encourages businesses and community involved lifestyle. Making changes such as zoning has noticeably shared in the hard work ,imagination & dreams of entrepreneurs. The permits were given we watched this developement for over a yr how can they now change the usage . The owners r actual RESIDENTS of Carmel is Mr Cohen ?

  9. Carmel resident | May 22, 2021 at 12:32 pm |

    Please get a fence.

  10. susan paul | May 22, 2021 at 12:54 pm |

    One positive & one negative seems fair but where are the other comments

  11. Scott Enfield | May 23, 2021 at 9:26 am |

    Sad state of affairs when local business people can be shut down by a guy like Cohen. The GOAT added value to the area, the issues were addressed and in large part due to young people needing an outlet with all the lockdowns.
    Cohen showed no willingness to work through the process. Rather he assembled a team of attorneys and rallied other wealthy people (most who had never been to the GOAT) to complain.
    He who has the biggest wallet wins, talk about privilege, this truly is a classic example of money wins. He’ll go back to the original problems, point out how he’s done the area a favor but in reality what he did was close down a local entrepreneur and detract from the Monon.
    Cohen can now go back to his Club where I’m sure they’re all “Angels” and enjoy their restrictive non inclusive (unless you have millions of dollars) homogenized environment and talk about his victory on the Monon.
    Sad state of affairs

  12. Jeremy Hatcher | May 23, 2021 at 5:41 pm |

    Alan is a terrible person, a jack a**. Getting “butt hurt” over one bar when there are so many within a block radius! It’s obvious you wanted that property after bub’s closed. Your selfish a** put my friends AND my daughter out of work! So, how is your nice Florida property out there!? Huh! Are you comfortable, sir?! How about you pick up the salaries of my friends and family? Would you, no, of course not because you don’t give a s*** about about the community and the people that work in it. You’re a peice of s*** and I hope you choke on that s***. My name is Jeremy Hatcher and I am right here in Carmel, raised here and if you want to meet face to face I’m here and not hiding. You’re a p**** so I know ow you won’t!

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