Cicero voter says Mark Hall is “right choice for the job”

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Dear Editor:

I like Mark Hall.

I watch what goes on in local politics with great interest. Having lived in Cicero for many years, what happens here is important to my family. What Hamilton County is about is what kept me here.

I moved here in 1981 for a one-year job transfer. I fell in love with Hamilton County, Cicero, schools, low tax rates and responsibility of those in charge. I am now retired, mostly enjoying the happenings and a bit concerned on the future.

I read a few letters to the editor recently, some in support of Mark Hall for Hamilton County Council and one against him.

I know Mark personally and serve with him and his wife in their business’ local charity, He made it very clear the Feeding Team pantries were not a spotlight for his political gain. Let me say that again: “Not to be a spotlight for his political gain.”

I can tell you that from my experience Mark is my choice to serve us on the County Council. I see firsthand his heart and his dedication to serving others and helping our community. He will bring business and personal experiences to the council that aren’t there today.

Please join me in voting for Mark Hall for Hamilton County Council. He is the right choice for the job.

Gary Green
