The Kiwanis Club of Cicero will honor local veterans with a special breakfast and program on Saturday, Nov. 10 at the Cicero United Wesleyan Church, 210 Washington Ave. The breakfast will begin at 8:30 a.m., followed by a special program featuring Arnett (Arnie) Cooper, a veteran of the United States Air Force. The program will conclude at 10 a.m.

The Kiwanis Club of Cicero is honored to have Cooper, a 1963 graduate of Jackson Central High School and life-long resident of northern Hamilton County, as its guest speaker at this year’s breakfast. Cooper worked as a skilled tradesman at Chrysler in Kokomo retiring after more than 40 years of dedicated service. He remains active in the community and is a member of the Hamilton Heights School board, currently serving as president of the five-member board. His wife of more than 50 years, Vicki, is also a graduate of Jackson Central High School. They have two children, both Hamilton Heights graduates, and two grandchildren.
The annual Veteran’s breakfast celebration, now in its 10th year, is free to local veterans and their guests. Breakfast for all other visitors is $5 per person. Members of the Hamilton Heights Key Club will be partnering with the Cicero Kiwanis to help with this year’s breakfast.
RSVPs for the Veteran’s breakfast can be sent by email to or by calling the RVSP “hotline” at 317-678-0713. Leave a message with your name and number of guests attending.
About the Cicero Kiwanis Club
Cicero Kiwanis Club is part of the Sycamore South Division of Indiana District of Kiwanis. Its members are volunteers committed to improving the world one child and one community at a time. The Club provides scholarships to graduating High School students, grants for play and educational equipment, supports the local school corporation, local Boy and Girl Scouts, Riley Hospital for Children and much more. The Cicero Kiwanis meet Saturdays at 7:30 a.m. at the Red Bridge Park Community Building in Cicero. Drop in any Saturday to learn more about the club or call President Robin Mills at (317) 450-4042.