Cicero Kiwanis learn how Teter Farm feeds those in need

Teter Farm Associate Director Amber Good (left) and Kiwanis Club of Cicero President Mark Bailey. (Photo provided)

Cicero Kiwanis

Teter Organic Farm, an outreach mission of Noblesville First United Methodist Church, grows over 40 varieties of vegetables and has a mixed-species orchard of 280 trees that produce apples, peaches, pears, and plums, as well as a cut flower field and 30 beehives.

“Our mission is to combat food insecurity, build community through meaningful relationships across barriers that sometimes divide us, and educate children and adults on the importance of environmental stewardship and care,” said Amber Good, Teter’s Associate Director, as she presented to members of the Kiwanis Club of Cicero.

Despite being the richest county in Indiana with a median household income just shy of $115,000 according to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 22,370 people throughout the county, which is about one in 10 residents are food insecure. The percentage of food-insecure people is higher among children, at 17 percent.

“This year, we hope to donate 50,000 servings to area food banks, meal programs and families in need,” Good said.

That has been the mission of the organic farm since it was started is 2016. The farm also grows market produce that is sold through a 100-share community supported agriculture (CSA) program at local farmer’s markets and to restaurants. Proceeds from the sales are used to support the farming operations.

The property was given to Noblesville First United Methodist Church by Ruth Teter in 1981. After developing a retreat center, one of the pastors at the church returned from a trip where he visited some nonprofit farms that were growing food to feed the hungry in their communities. Inspired by what he saw and learned, he made it his personal mission to get people on board and they decided to start an organic farm that would donate food and take care of its neighbors.

“We grow food because we believe everyone deserves to eat healthily,” Good said. “But the farm also offers tours, farm stays, and environmental education, as well as hosts outdoor weddings, retreats, cooperate outings, and family reunions – which means we are always looking for volunteers!”

To learn more about the farm, located at 10980 E. 221st St. near Noblesville, or how you can help, visit