Cicero Kiwanis Club honors local veterans

Folks of all ages across the entire Cicero community came together last Saturday to thank their local veterans. (Photo by Karen Stout, Cicero Kiwanis Club)

Submitted by Karen Stout
Cicero Kiwanis Secretary

Each year the Kiwanis Club of Cicero invites local veterans to a breakfast and program dedicated to those who have served the country. This year’s program was held on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the United Family Wesleyan Church of Cicero where, despite the fast-falling snow, some 59 veterans and their families attended.

The Cicero American Legion kicked off the program by presenting the colors, followed by the National Anthem, sang a cappella by the Hamilton Heights High School Choir, and an invocation by Jody Brown, a retired veteran and pastor of the Atlanta Christian Church.

The Hamilton Heights High School Choir sang the National Anthem a cappella during the ceremony. (Photo by Karen Stout, Cicero Kiwanis Club)

Helping serve the hot breakfast prepared by the Kiwanis Club and members of the United Family Wesleyan Church were members of the Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs (Key Club, Builders Club, and K-Kids). The students really enjoy meeting the veterans and assisting them as servers and wait staff, and the veterans appreciate that the students are participating in the event.

(From left) Jody Brown, Luke Kenley, and Tim Fonderoli. (Photo by Karen Stout, Cicero Kiwanis Club)

This year’s program featured Retired Master Chief Timothy (Tim) Fonderoli as guest speaker. Following his presentation on the casualties of war, veterans of each branch of service were recognized with the playing of their U.S. Armed Forces songs. Veterans are asked to stand when the song representing their branch of service begins playing. Bugler Tye Anderson concluded the program by playing Taps. These last two traditions are particularly impactful moments of the annual event.

“Guard zealously your right to serve in the Armed Forces, for without them, there will be no other rights to guard.” – John F. Kennedy