Cicero Friends of the Library thanks “Dave” for his generous gift

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Dear Editor:

Imagine finding an anonymous check in your mailbox. It’s the stuff of best-selling novels.

This time wasn’t fiction. In fact, it was a surprise gift of $500 from “Dave” sent to the Friends of the Library, an auxiliary organization that supports projects such as the summer reading program, special speakers, and other events at the Hamilton North Public Library in Cicero.

This sweet gesture was fueled by nothing less than chocolate cake. It seems that Dave attended the classic car show on Labor Day at Red Bridge Park where the Friends of the Library members had all sorts of baked goodies for their annual bake sale fundraiser.

There was no return address, just a local money order with an orange sticky note “Enjoyed chocolate cake from bake sale today, [smiley face] Dave.”

Despite our best efforts, we can’t seem to identify the correct Dave in Cicero, so we are expressing our deepest appreciation for this generous donation with the promise to Dave, and anyone else who enjoys baked goods, that there will be chocolate cake at next year’s bake sale.

We also invite our community to be a part of Friends of the Library. For more information, call Jenn Crusenberry at (317) 984-5623.

Cicero Friends of the Library