Christian reader refuses to support President Trump

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Dear Editor,

I grew up in Noblesville … it will always be my hometown and near and dear to my heart. Many people may know of me as a former Noblesville Ledger reporter, and if not me, several folks know my late father Dale Snelling.

I am a devout Christian. I have had rheumatoid arthritis since I was seven, and worked until 55 when I retired from Eli Lilly. I have been blessed.

However, I cannot stand silently by as our nation continues to be ripped apart by hatred, incited by our current president, who at the same time violently removed peaceful protesters so he could hypocritically hold up God’s word in silence in front of God’s house; as 200,000 people die of a virus which was not divulged as serious early on; as our healthcare system is torn apart by the federal government; as corruption runs rampant in this administration, and as immigrants (from which all of us descended) continue to be disparaged.

As a Christian, I do not understand the loyalty of many for a president who has cheated on his wives, aligns himself with dictators over U.S. intelligence, chose the economy and his re-election efforts over saving the lives of 200,000+ Americans, separates children from their parents and locks them in cages with no intention of reuniting them, ridicules anyone who does not agree with him, and has told 20,000 lies to the American public.

Are these Christian values? Not according to my God.

When you vote this year, please ask yourself if you choose to align yourself with a candidate whose actions and words are not aligned with Christian values. Or will you vote for a compassionate servant leader such as Joe Biden? My choice is clear.

Becky Snelling Schroer


8 Comments on "Christian reader refuses to support President Trump"

  1. Ms. Schroer points to ‘peaceful protesters’ outside the White House. They set fire to the church! Biden and his dems are FOR abortion. You are entitled to your views, but don’t wrap them around your abiding ‘christianity’.

  2. We didn’t hire Trump to be a beacon of morality and a Christian guide. We hired him to take care of business where it needed to be taken care of and he has so far…even amidst all the uproar and backlash he has faced for the past four years… imagine what could have been accomplished if those working against him actually worked with him. We don’t need another pastor- we need a businessman to run this country. If he becomes a Christian or shows respect to them along the way, fantastic!

    If Christian values are really your guide then you should value innocent human life, image bearers of God. God tells those who call on Him through His Son Jesus Christ to not murder, “You will not murder”. Of all the Christian values you have this one is probably at the top when it comes to loving your neighbor. The second greatest commandment. Therefore, to support or vote for someone that approves of the murder of image bearers of God in the womb, which Jesus was at one time, to support or vote for someone that would do all they can to fund this practice, to support and vote for some that will place judges that will uphold these murders is not aligning with Christian values or God’s will.

    As a matter of fact Jesus told the people that said God was their Father that wanted kill Him, the most innocent person that ever lived, that their God was the Devil because they approved of and wanted Him killed. You should not be so politically party minded that you lose sight of the truth.

  3. I always find it amusing that people use their Christian beliefs to, I assume, try to convince others who to vote for. Especially with distortions, half truths, and all out lies. No one, least of all me, would ever try to convince anyone who to vote for, that is a fundamental right that citizens of the U.S.A. make on their own accord. This person, certainly didn’t sway my vote and her Letter to the Editor only convinced herself who she is voting for.

  4. I guess the other commandments don’t matter yo you Christians.

  5. Jane Dickerson | September 21, 2020 at 12:23 pm |

    Well said! Abortion is an abomination to God. In Daniel, when Babylon’s Nebuchadnezzar threw a party using the vessels of God’ temple–desolation of Babylon happened. Killing those babies in the image of God–created to be vessels for the Holy Spirit to dwell–are tempting God to bring desolation to America. Lighting up the Empire State Building when abortion was made legal to the 3rd trimester, and now the Dems want it made legal to kill babies who survive the abortion procedure! America is in trouble if Dems win!

  6. LeeAnna Groves | September 21, 2020 at 6:52 pm |

    Salient and appreciated letter, Becky Snelling Schroer. Thank you for expressing your opinion, especially given this vitriol-filled political climate. Joe Biden will restore the soul of this country and treat citizens of all religions with the respect we so desperately need.

  7. Russell Eberhart | September 23, 2020 at 11:36 am |

    Joe Biden is an honest, honorable, capable patriot. Donald Trump is none of those. Joe Biden cares about you and me. Trump cares only about himself.

  8. Becky, You made a comment about our president cheating on his wives. I will remind you that past president Clinton cheated on Hillary many many times. You mention keeping children in cages while away from their parents; their parents broke the law by entering our country illegally and the children are sequestered for their own safety. Past presidents Bush and Obama also kept children in these cages. Our president did not choose to bring the Wuhan Virus to America. He did the best he could with the medical pantries left bare by the Obama and Biden administration. Yes, the federal government did disrupt our health care system during the Obama era. Families were torn apart by not allowing one spouse to be covered by the other spouse’s insurance. The dropped spouse had to go and find another insurance company. The Affordable Care Act forced an unlawful tax on unwilling American citizens. As for many of us who have descended from Immigrants, we are citizens not immigrants to this country.

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