Chris Jensen, a life-long Noblesville resident, has officially announced his candidacy for Mayor of Noblesville. Jensen made this special announcement to a group of supporters, which included special guest speakers State Senator Luke Kenley and State Representative Kathy Richardson at BlueSky Technology Partners.

“Our city is growing and is facing new opportunities and challenges. I believe I am the right person to lead our city into its next chapter,” said Jensen.
Currently, Jensen is the Noblesville Common Council President, and has served on the finance, parks, economic development and roads committees over the last two years.
As mayor, Jensen will bring transparency and a fresh vision. His background in the public and private sectors, working closely with government entities, have played a strong role in his decision to run for mayor. Prior to his current role as a Client Service Manager for Lochmueller Group, Jensen served many years in the office of former Lt. Governor Becky Skillman as Special Assistant and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs. Jensen was also Executive Director of the 2016 Indiana Bicentennial Commission.
Jensen is known for his approachability, fiscal responsibility and accomplishments regarding numerous meaningful and critical projects for Noblesville. Jensen says he will run his campaign with integrity and authenticity, and will clearly communicate what his top priorities will be for Noblesville.
“We must take a collaborative approach across the community to make Noblesville a great city that people of all ages are proud to call home,” said Jensen.
In addition to serving as Common Council President, Jensen also serves on the board of the Noblesville High School Alumni Association and Nickel Plate Arts. Jensen and his wife, Julie, are volunteers and members at Grace Church in Noblesville. They are both Butler University graduates and are parents to CJ, Vivian and Hank.
For more information and to stay up to date with campaign news, visit and
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