Chris Hartig pivots toward competitive general election

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House District 29 Democratic nominee seeks to represent Noblesville, portions of Fishers

Submitted by Chris Hartig for Indiana

You have probably seen Chris Hartig driving his orange 1970 Chevy C-10 pickup around town. Hartig’s classic truck reflects his good-natured personality – someone who is reliable and isn’t afraid of hard work.

Dr. Chris Hartig is a husband and father who is proud to call Noblesville home. For the past decade, he has served as a professor of management and leadership at Western Governors University, helping many non-traditional students improve their lives through higher education. Through his dedication to students and teachers alike, Hartig has published papers on leading faculty through times of difficult change. Prior to his tenure at WGU, Hartig directed successful change leadership in the mortgage and finance industry.

After an unopposed primary election, Hartig has his sights set on the general election in November.

“I look forward to a close race against Alaina Shonkwiler,” he said. “It will be up to the voters in our district to decide who represents them better, and I believe I’m the right leader for the job.”

Hartig’s key policies include strengthening public schools, restoring reproductive freedoms, enacting reasonable gun policies, and bringing balance to the Indiana statehouse.

“Tens of thousands of people have moved to Noblesville and Fishers because of our amazing school systems,” Hartig said. “As an educator myself, I’m going to help mend the trust between teachers and the community.”

Reproductive freedoms are crucial to Hartig’s campaign.

“Family planning is an issue that should remain between families and their doctors,” voiced Hartig. “Full stop.”

When it comes to Indiana’s House of Representatives, Hartig says the balance of power needs to be restored.

“Indiana GOP lawmakers have a supermajority in the statehouse,” he said. “We need to balance out the voices in our House of Representatives to accurately reflect Hoosier priorities.”

Dr. Hartig is also a proud gun owner.

“I believe wholeheartedly in the Second Amendment, and, at the same time, we need reasonable, common sense firearm regulations and safe storage policies,” Hartig offered. “This is how we keep something like what happened at Noblesville West Middle School from happening again.”

“I want Indiana to return to its roots of hometown Hoosier hospitality,” added Hartig. “By being a welcoming place to live, work and play, our state can attract and retain not only our local graduates, but innovative businesses as well. That’s the Indiana I want to live in – not a regressive state that marginalizes people based on their differences.”

“My dad is a Vietnam vet, and as a retired Marine, he always told me, ‘To get the results, you have to put the work in.’ I’m ready to put the work in.”

Hartig can’t wait to drive his orange Chevy to the statehouse to represent Indiana’s 29th District.

Learn more about Dr. Chris Hartig and his campaign at