Hamilton County Chief Deputy Treasurer Kim Good has filed a defamation lawsuit against former Treasurer’s Office employee Susan Byer.

A statement issued by Good’s attorney said, “Good was accused by Byer of engaging in criminal conduct when she waived statutory fees on late tax payments on behalf of her family and friends.”
At the request of the Hamilton County Commissioners, the Indiana State Police and Special Prosecutor Brad Eaton conducted an investigation into Byer’s allegations.
Eaton ruled there was insufficient evidence to prove improper conduct.
“Making false statements which suggest a public official engaged in criminal conduct, with malice towards that official, is defamation,” said Good’s attorney Mario Massillamany.
Byer, in 2018, filed her own lawsuit alleging she was unjustly terminated from her position in the Treasurer’s Office.
Byer’s suit, filed in Hamilton County Superior Court 1 is scheduled for jury trial in October.
Good’s suit filed in Hamilton County Superior Court 4 has not yet been set for trial.
Byer and Good have both filed on the Republican ballot for the county’s Treasurer spot in the upcoming Primary Election.
Sumpin’ is telling me Tim Stoesz is not quaking in his boots about this.
Kim Good has always been a scam artist. She has never been fair and always been corrupt. This is nothing new.