Celebrating 100 years of community service

Here’s to 100 more years of love, friendship, and truth with Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Psi. (Photo provided by Stephanie Smotherman)

Submitted by Vicki Cooper

Delta Chapter of Phi Beta Psi Sorority celebrated its 100th birthday on Sept. 9 at Red Bridge Park Community Center in Cicero. A short program was presented at 1:30 p.m. There was food, a lovely cake, and lots of conversation and laughter.

In attendance were three National Officers: Jenny Mefford, President; Luana Barker, Treasurer; and Stephanie Smotherman, Editor; four Indiana State Officers: Nancy Craig, President; Lisa Fettig, 1st Vice President; Joan Trimpe, 2nd Vice President; and Natalie Marit, Treasurer; all but one of Delta’s officers, Phi Betes from other chapters, and inactive Phi Betes. Non-Phi Betes attending were Hamilton Heights School Board President Arnett Cooper and other community representatives.

Delta Chapter is now ready to start its second century – fundraising, donating to cancer research, other charities, and local groups, attending National and State conventions, having fun, and enjoying each other’s company.

Delta’s next two fundraisers to complete their birthday year include a garage sale from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 23 at Hamilton Heights Middle School on the “front porch,” and Breakfast with Santa at Red Bridge Park Community Center on Dec. 2.

Onward for Delta to keep the LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and TRUTH of Phi Beta Psi Sorority going strong!