
It’s good to be the Queen

Purdue sophomore Megan Wiley crowned at 4-H Fairgrounds Megan Wiley’s journey to becoming the Hamilton County 4-H Fair Queen could be called “third time lucky,” but luck had nothing to…

Veteran plaques stolen from Fishers cemetery

By JENNY DREASLER WISH-TV | Thieves targeted a Hamilton County cemetery, stealing plaques honoring veterans of the five branches of the U.S. military. Officials with Fall Creek Township said…

Beach Boys roll in to Conner Prairie

(Above left) A sea of people showed up to hear their favorite California swooners Friday night at Conner Prairie. (Above right) Scott Totten (right) and Mike Love (left) of the…

Noblesville welcomes Italian, Brazilian students

Eight Italian and seven Brazilian students recently arrived in Noblesville as part of the Noblesville Sister Cities Youth Exchange Program with Cittadella, Italy, and Nova Prata, Brazil. The exchange students…