Heights Fall Homecoming set for this Friday
Hamilton Heights High School’s Fall Homecoming will take place on Friday, Sept. 28. The days leading up to Homecoming will be filled with a variety of fun and spirit-filled activities…
Read MoreHamilton Heights High School’s Fall Homecoming will take place on Friday, Sept. 28. The days leading up to Homecoming will be filled with a variety of fun and spirit-filled activities…
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The Department of Health and Human Services recently announced more than $1 billion in grants to further help states and territories address the heroin and opioid abuse crisis. These grants…
WISH-TV | wishtv.com Consumers can now freeze their credit for free under a new federal law. A credit freeze restricts access to your credit file, essentially halting anyone from opening…
1805 – Former United States Vice President Aaron Burr arrived in Vincennes to confer with Indiana Territorial Governor William Henry Harrison. At the time, Burr was wanted for murder in…
Florida Road Florida Road between Luxhaven Road and Martha Street is closed for the rehabilitation of Bridge 192 (Florida Road over Fall Creek) by the Hamilton County Highway Department. The…
If approved by state utility regulators, Duke Energy Indiana customers will pay $30 million less for costs at the company’s Edwardsport coal gasification power plant due to an agreement with…
Riverview Health Foundation received a $15,000 donation from Dick Gordon, founder of the Gordon Brick Layer Club, and other members of his family for the expansion and renovation of the…
On Thursday evening, Hamilton County Sheriff Republican nominee Dennis Quakenbush (left) spoke at Blue Sky Technology, 350 Westfield Road, Noblesville, during a campaign event. Approximately 50 people attended and heard…
The County Line Few counties in Indiana – or the country for that matter – have as many festivals and public events this weekend as Hamilton County offers. Folks should…