
Janus launches literacy program

Janus Developmental Services, a Hamilton County non-profit that provides people with disabilities the opportunity to participate and contribute within the community, recently began a new literacy program. Over the past…

Sheridan celebrates Veterans Day

The Sheridan Elementary cafetorium was packed Monday night as third and fourth graders along with the Sheridan High School Chamber Choirs performed the annual free community celebration titled “Americans We!”

Fishers celebrates Veterans Day Monday marked the 100th anniversary of the Armistice that ended World War I, what people in 1918 called the “war to end all wars.”  From the vantage point looking…

Beware of potential utilities scams

Duke Energy, a founding member of Utilities United Against Scams (UUAS), is continuing its efforts to remind customers of the tactics scammers use to steal money from customers and to…

Cicero’s traditional barber shop

Purkey’s Barber Shop, 87 W. Jackson St., Cicero, was established in 1954 by Dud Purkey who barbered there for 30 years. Now a third-generation barber is running the show and…

HCFRW helps decorate Governor’s Residence

The Hamilton County Federation of Republican Women (HCFRW) wishes to thank the Indiana Federation of Republican Women and Governor and First Lady Holcomb for inviting the HCFRW into their home…