Carmel’s future: supporting our schools by voting ‘Yes’ on CCS operating referendum

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Dear Editor:

This November, we face a crucial decision that will impact one of Carmel’s most important assets: our top-ranked school system.

The Carmel Clay School District Operating Referendum needs to be renewed and is the first question on the ballot this election. As a parent, business owner and longtime Carmel resident, I will be voting YES.

Renewing the Operating Referendum maintains the current funding so that CCS can continue its tradition of excellence. This is not a new tax; it’s a renewal of the existing referendum at the same rate that has been in place since 2017. These funds make up nearly 20 percent of the annual education budget, essential for teacher salaries, benefits, and educational programs.

Without the renewal, the district would face the daunting task of cutting almost $24 million from the budget. The only way to achieve this would be through teacher layoffs, leading to larger class sizes, reduced educational programs, and a diminished quality of education for our children.

Our top-notch school district does more for Carmel than just educating our children. The highly rated schools continue to draw new families and businesses to Carmel. This keeps our property values high but our overall tax rate low. Even with the renewal, Carmel will continue to have the lowest school tax rate in Hamilton County.

This referendum renewal of the existing rate of $0.19 per $100 of assessed value is critically important, not just to our students and teachers, but to the economic engine driving Carmel.

Let’s come together as a community for the future of Carmel on Nov. 7. Please vote “Yes for CCS” to ensure the continued excellence of our schools and the success of our city.

Nicki McNally
Co-Chair, Yes for CC

1 Comment on "Carmel’s future: supporting our schools by voting ‘Yes’ on CCS operating referendum"

  1. I will be voting no.

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