Carmel voters strongly support Joel Levi for State Senate

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Dear Editor:

We strongly support Joel Levi for State Senate District 20.

Joel is a family man and public servant who is running to build a safer and more inclusive Indiana for all Hoosiers. He is not a “professional politician” but a man who is driven by his conviction that we must do better for Indiana.

Joel wants our children to feel safe at school. He fully supports the Second Amendment but advocates for sensible gun laws, such as requiring background checks on private gun sales.

Joel is an advocate for freedom, specifically a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.

Joel recognizes the crisis in affordable housing in Indiana, including Hamilton County. He believes that if you work here, you should be able to live here.

Finally, Joel is man of moral character and great empathy. He cares deeply about the well-being of all Hoosiers. To that end, he is committed to working across the aisle, building collaboration on the issues that matter to all of us, regardless of party affiliation.

Let’s stop the divisive rhetoric and vote for the principles that unite us over the parties that divide us.

Kirk and Kate King

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