Carmel voter worried about city’s financial stability, supports Fred Glynn for mayor

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Dear Editor:

As a local mother in Carmel, I am deeply concerned about the present financial stability of our city. With the recent skyrocketing inflation and property tax increases, it has become even more challenging for working moms like me to make ends meet.

I believe Fred Glynn is the candidate who will implement the much-needed solutions for Carmel’s fiscal stability.

From the beginning, Fred Glynn has consistently emphasized the urgent need to tackle Carmel’s soaring debt of $1.4 billion, which is a concern for many Carmel residents, including me. As a former Hamilton County Council member, Fred has demonstrated leadership in prudent spending and responsible financial management. I fully trust him to continue his steadfast leadership to bring financial transparency, accountability, and discipline to the management of our city’s finances.

The burden of excessive property taxes has made it even harder to provide for our children and plan for their future for Carmel homeowners like me. It also has become increasingly challenging to make ends meet because of the rising cost of living. Fred Glynn understands the impact of these challenges on families, and I am confident that he will work diligently to alleviate the burden of excessive property taxes in our city.

Fred’s commitment to fiscal responsibility, his dedication to solving Carmel’s soaring debt, and his understanding of the challenges facing working families makes him the right choice for Carmel’s Mayor. I know Fred Glynn will work tirelessly to ensure that our city’s finances are managed responsibly so that our children can have a brighter financial future in Carmel.

For these reasons, I wholeheartedly support Fred Glynn for Mayor.

Therefore, I urge my fellow city dwellers to support Fred Glynn for Mayor. With Fred’s leadership, we can build a stronger and more financially stable future for our city and continue the distinction for Carmel to be one of the best cities to live in the United States of America.

Reina DeCapua