Carmel voter wonders what is the real difference between Finkam & Rider

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Dear Editor:

This is in response to Randall Dick’s letter.

I agree with you where are the checks and balances, but Ms. Finkam had the same issue you mention that Mr. Rider has. Ms. Finkam oversaw the “audit” of the 46 percent overrun for the Carmichael Hotel. That audit was internally completed behind “closed doors.” An overrun that large should not have been performed internally. The report said the estimate was hastily completed and unreliable.

Is that how the Carmel City Council votes on large expenditures? No due diligence! No checks and balances!

You mention that Mr. Glynn just says he is an outsider. Did you listen to the debate? Have you looked at his website or anything he has put out? If you go back to the debate, he was the one who stated what he would do, and then Ms. Finkam has adopted those in her texts and her “plan.”

In addition, her plan is words that she has yet to show while on the Carmel Council, while Mr. Glynn has shown his words while on the Hamilton County Council.

Both Ms. Finkam and Mr. Rider have voted yes to over 90 percent of the TIF bonds/CRC/density development/debt that has come before them on the Carmel City Council, so I am not sure how she has been the minority voice on the council. In one meeting in March, she voted for 19 of the 20 development proposals that were voted on – the only one she did not vote yes was the one in her district.

Do not listen to politicians tell you what the facts are! Do you own due diligence. Obviously, the Carmel City Council, including Ms. Finkam, has not.

Dwight Lile