Carmel voter supports Mayor Brainard

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Dear Editor:

As a resident of Carmel for nearly 30 years, a father of five children, and as a Carmel firefighter for over 15 years, I have seen improvements to the city with Mayor Brainard in leadership.

First, roundabouts are safer. This is not an opinion. This is my professional observation over 15 years. I have seen major life-altering or fatal incidents decrease immensely due to the roundabouts. As a father who will have five daughters driving someday, I hope to see all major intersections be turned into roundabouts. This was dismissed rather quickly last night by Mr. Glynn. As a firefighter who has responded to these horrific crashes at an intersection before it has been changed to a roundabout, I’m unable to dismiss these so quickly. You can’t put a price on safety.

Speaking of safety, the mayor has supported public safety second to none. We have the best equipment and firefighter staffing in the state, which means that our residents and firefighters are safer. As a county councilor, Mr. Glynn did not support a county-wide training center for all police and fire. That training center may have helped facilitate training that could have helped save the lives of those in Hamilton County.

Next, as a former homeowner in Home Place for over 10 years, I welcome the annexation and the improvements for safety and maintenance that will come. As a county councilor, Mr. Glynn could have already helped facilitate those improvements over his last term. Mr. Glynn was given the opportunity to meet with Carmel professional firefighters and chose not to.

The mayor has always put public safety first in Carmel, he has made time to meet with firefighters to find out what we need to stay safe and to keep our citizens safe. This is why Carmel professional firefighters are supporting him and why my family supports the mayor.

Tim Griffin
