Carmel voter: Sue Finkam is one of us

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Dear Editor:

I was taught at a young age that it is a privilege to vote. So, it is my privilege to announce my support for Sue Finkam for Mayor of Carmel 2023.

Sue and her family have been a part of Carmel, our home town, for many years. Sue wants to continue to make our city safe and beautiful. She believes in supporting our business, our families, and our homes.

She believes in the development of Carmel, but in a way that development doesn’t take over our home town. Sue supports local business and wants us to grow as a community.

I have had the pleasure of knowing Sue and her family for years. That’s why it makes me proud to share my support for Sue Finkam. So, take this opportunity with me to continue what we have all started in our home town.

Vote for one of us. Someone who cares about the town people, someone who listens to what we want or need for our community.

Vote for Sue Finkam: our representative, our friend, our neighbor.

Kerry Besaw