Carmel voter says Maki’s candidacy is “refreshing”

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Dear Editor:

Please vote for Sue Maki for Hamilton County Council. Sue Maki is the ONLY candidate from Carmel running and we need #Carmel representation on the council.

Sue is one of the hardest workers you will ever know. At nearly every community event, I see her working hard and volunteering and giving back to her community. She has a passion for public service and takes her positions seriously and will research the issues. Sue will seek input from the community on all of the issues and be 100 percent prepared for every meeting. She has lived in Carmel for over 30 years and again is the ONLY person from Carmel running!!

Some of Sue’s volunteer activities include:

  • Carmel International Arts Festival board (2018-present)
  • OneZone Commerce member (2001-present), annual awards committee member (2012-18) and chair (2016-18)
  • Rotary Club of Carmel (2000-present), president (2009-10)
  • Carmel Clay Schools Expedition Program graduate (2015)
  • Carmel High School PTO board (2004-07)
  • Carmel Middle School PTO president (2000-01)

Her dedication and hard work are well-known by the leaders of our community. Her candidacy is also endorsed by the Hamilton County Professional Firefighters Local 4416.

Many of us get frustrated with politics, especially when we see the same long-term politicians running for multiple things. It is refreshing to see someone like Sue who is running for the right reasons and whose only goal is to serve the people. We need more people like that in office.

Denise Moe
