Carmel voter says it’s time to get back to basics in education

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Dear Editor:

The social agendas of the present moment are not the responsibility of teachers to profess or take a specific position on when teaching to children. That alone is the responsibility of the parents. What teachers believe or not does not belong in the classroom.

When teaching juveniles, educators must remain impartial. Outside the classroom, as adults of legal age, they can support whatever cause they choose. Teachers have one job: to teach children what they need to know to achieve.

For this reason, I support Brake, Brown & Sharp for the Carmel School Board. They represent real life experience, family values and a high interest in education.

School education is teaching the essential basics of math, reading and writing.

Barb Simpson


2 Comments on "Carmel voter says it’s time to get back to basics in education"

  1. Excellent point Barb. Agree 100%. Our children have both seen activism in our schools and experienced teachers pushing their political agenda. As an example in government – children actually had to classify people by race/ nationality/gender into political parties – being a “white woman” I am not a democrat… nor do I want the teachers telling my children most white women are Democrats. In history our child was taught what it must have “felt like” to be an LBGTQ in the 1800s in the Wild West. Really?!

  2. dwight lile | October 18, 2022 at 5:30 pm |

    Like the Pied Piper’s revenge for not paying the fee, we are being punished for not doing as we should have regarding our children. Predators are taking our children with propaganda in an area that was secure from threats to the family. If we don’t act now by electing a school board that is sympathetic to the family, we will all suffer. Please vote for BRAKE BROWN and SHARP. They haven’t lost their way.

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